Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Courage, Risk, and Leadership

There is "a significant amount of risk..inherent in attaining greatness" (Eden, 2008). I also believe the words of Warren Bennis in stating, "there's no such thing as a safe risk..that's an oxymoron..all courage is a risk". Without courage and risk, we would not have leaders. I can appreciate your experience and your stance with regards to leadership and management and how important courage is as a leadership trait. I would agree that people in management are either on their way toward a higher position or they have reached their pinnacle. I do believe that courage plays a large part in whether they will continue to rise or plateau. "The word courage comes from the French word for heart, coeur, meaning the ability to stand by one's heart or to stand by one's core" and those with courage possess a restlessness, vivaciousness, and brazenness about them that separates them from the pack and allows them to exhibit potential greatness (Lasley, 1999). Developing courage encompasses facing fears, exploring vulnerabilities, leaning into or toward risk, celebrating failure, and to continue to take action without ceasing (Lasley, 1999).
Lasley, M. (1999). Courage is the Foundation of Leadership. Leadership that Works. Retrieved September 16, 2008 from

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